Classic Zoom

This extension emulates the zoom behavior of Opera 12.


  • tries to keep scroll position during zooming in or out
  • newly opened tabs inherits the zoom level of their parents
  • zoom using Ctrl+Shift+mouse wheel
  • restore zoom level after Opera restart
  • displaying current zoom level


  • Plus: increase zoom by 10%
  • Ctrl+Plus: increase zoom by 100%
  • Minus: decrease zoom by 10%
  • Ctrl+Minus: decrease zoom by 100%
  • *: restore zoom to 100%

Installation steps

  1. download and extract this zip file
  2. press Ctrl+Shift+E to open Extensions
  3. enable Developer Mode in the top right corner
  4. click Load unpacked extension button and navigate to the folder containing the extracted files

Known issues

  • embedded iframes are not zoomed after page load
  • zoom level is lost when reopening recently closed tabs
  • this extension uses CSS for zooming, it is not compatible with and related to the built-in zoom feature of Opera 15
  • it leaks some localStorage space when closing secondary browser windows until Opera restart
  • Ctrl+mouse wheel event is captured by Opera and not by this extension. You have to use Ctrl+Shift+mouse wheel

Changes in version 1.3.0

  • displaying current zoom level

Changes in version 1.2.0

  • completely new content script to modify zoom level at document_start (content is zoomed before displaying it)
  • renamed to Classic Zoom

Changes in version 1.1.0

  • restore zoom level after Opera restart
  • zoom using Ctrl+Shift+mouse wheel

Source code: GitHub repository

Extension icon copyright by dAKirby309

2 Replies to “Classic Zoom”

  1. niceone suggestion (if possible)As right click + wheel is not taken by any function right now, could it be used for zoom? if blink/chromium architecture allows that…in old Opera, that one is used for tab cycling, but since we don’t have zoom slider, I think it would be more useful this way.

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