Adding Copy CSS path command to Web Inspector

Web Inspector in Opera 15/Chrome/Chromium does not support copying directly HTML element CSS paths opposite to Dragonfly in Opera 12 (Document > Layout > Parent offsets). You can use this small patch to add Copy CSS path command to element context menus.

Opera 17.0.1240.0: end of the story :down:

1. download and compile PakTool.cs (on Windows use the command in line 1, on Linux or Mac use Mono)
2. download this patch file into the same folder
3. install patch utility if you haven't got one already (on Windows download this, or install MinGW32 and run mingw-get.exe install msys-patch command)

1. copy opera.pak from your Opera installation (or resources.pak from your Chrome/Chromium installation) next to the already compiled PakTool
2. run these commands (modify file names and patch tool location if necessary)

PakTool decode -in opera.pak -out temp
cd temp
patch < ../copycsspath.patch
cd ..
PakTool encode -in temp -out opera.pak

3. copy the modified .pak file into its original location

You have to patch your Opera/Chrome/Chromium installation after each program update.

One Reply to “Adding Copy CSS path command to Web Inspector”

  1. For version 17.0.1240.0 – Developer edition1. Open Opera.exe in an hexeditor (HxD)2. Goto ofset 0016DB43. Change bytes from: 0F 85 F0 00 00 00 …. to: E9 F1 00 00 00 90Enjoy your “unprotected” Opera and your modifications.Btw: is stupid to block this modification from opera team while they do not provide keyboard customization 🙁 Guys from opera is to much “thinking” line guys from M$… Maybe they can make an option to installation to enable install “unprotected” version.

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